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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
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#12 Hyde Streamstay One Pricing D=7/8" (.862")

Bearing Replacement and Other Kits Part Numbers Price
Terminal Ends Bearing Replacement Kit Hyde # 12-31    (includes Screw Kit) $ 349.
Halyard Swivel Bearing Replacement Kit Hyde # 12-32 $ 179.
Complete Bearing Replacement Kit Hyde # 12-30    (includes Hyde # 12-31 & # 12-32) $ 499.
Rod Shortening Kit without Tapered End Hyde # 12-33         (includes Screw Kit)   use Die #M12 $ 289.
       As above, for Double Groove Systems Hyde # 12-33D    (includes Screw Kit)   use Die #M12 $ 319.
Rod Shortening Kit with New Tapered End Hyde # 12-33T       (includes Screw Kit)   use Die #M12 $ 475.
       As above, for Double Groove Systems Hyde # 12-33TD   (includes Screw Kit)   use Die #M12 $ 485.
Screw Kit Complete w/ wrenches & Loctite Hyde # 12-55  (included w/ various components) $ 40.
Ultra-High Pressure Bearing Grease Hyde # 12-57  (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) $ 20.
Hyde #12 System Complete - Assembled Hyde # 12-99  (Supply length & Shipping Destination) $ Call.

Hyde #12 Halyard Swivel - Standard
Original Halyard Swivel Assembly Complete Hyde # 12-15A   (includes parts 12-12 thru 12-22) $ 1179.
Halyard Swivel Cover Screws - (12 required) Hyde # 12-22        8-32 x 1/2" OHMS .
Halyard Swivel Top Cover Plate Hyde # 12-21 .
External Snap Ring Hyde # 12-20   (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) .
Halyard Swivel Core Hyde # 12-19 .
1 1/4" OD Halyard Swivel Bushing - (2 required) Hyde # 12-17X     (for use when Shortening rod) $ 39.
1 1/4" OD Split Halyard Swivel Bushing - (2 required) Hyde # 12-17XS   (for normal replacement - while on rod) $ 69.
1 1/2" OD Halyard Swivel Bushing - (2 required) Hyde # 12-17L     (for use when Shortening rod) $ 28.
1 1/2" OD Split Halyard Swivel Bushing - (2 required) Hyde # 12-17LS   (for normal replacement - while on rod) $ 49.
Halyard Swivel Bottom Cover Plate Hyde # 12-16 .
Halyard Swivel Bearings - (2 required) Hyde # 12-14   (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) .
Halyard Swivel Body Hyde # 12-13 $ 289.
SS Fastpin Pin for Sail Head Attachment - 1/2" dia. Hyde # 12-12 $ 19.

Hyde #12 Halyard Swivel - New Stearns-style Removable Split Halyard Swivel
New Stearns-style Removable Split Halyard Swivel was developed for use on all Hyde # 12 Systems. All parts are the same as the Stearns # 12 Halyard Swivel, except for the Halyard Swivel Bushings. If you have damaged your standard Halyard Swivel you can replace it with the New Stearns-style Removable Split Halyard Swivel without cutting the Luff Rod. The old Core will have to be cut to remove it from the Rod.
New Removable Halyard Swivel Assembly Complete Hyde # 12-50A   (Stearns style) $ 1179.
New Stearns-style Split Halyard Swivel Bushing Set Hyde # 12-50B  (Stearns style) $ 139.

Hyde #12 Halyard Swivel - Special Split Halyard Swivel with Dual Head Attachment
Rare #12 Removable Split Halyard Swivel with Dual Head Attachment (for hoisting 2 sails) was used on a number of Double Groove Systems. Identical to standard Hyde # 12 Halyard Swivel, above, except the Halyard Swivel Core is split, and has 2 tabs at 45° to each other, each for attaching a sail using a shackle. All parts are the same as standard Hyde # 12 Halyard Swivel, except for those listed below. If you have damaged your standard Halyard Swivel Core you can replace it with the Split Halyard Swivel Core without cutting the Luff Rod. You will need the Split Core, the Bushing Set, and a shackle. The old Core will have to be cut to remove it from the Rod.
# 12 Dual Head Halyard Swivel Assembly Complete Hyde # 12-15DA   $ 1239.
# 12 Dual Head Halyard Swivel - Split Core only Hyde # 12-19D $ 429.
# 12 Dual Head Halyard Swivel - Split Bushing Set Hyde # 12-17D    (split set - 1 1/2" OD (max.) x 5" long) $ 199.
SS Shackle for Sail Head - (2 required) Hyde # 12-12S $ 22.

Hyde #12 Standard (7 1/2") Drums and Covers
7 1/2" Standard Drum Only, w/ screws Hyde # 12-9-7 $ 599.
7 1/2" Standard Drum Cover Only, w/ screws Hyde # 12-8-7 $ 599.
Drum Screws - (6 required) Hyde # 12-10   (included w/ Drum) 10-32 x 3/8" AHCS $ 3.
Drum Cover Screws - (4 required) Hyde # 12-11   (included w/ Drum Cover) 10-32 x 1/2" $ 3.
SS Fastpin for Tack Attachment - 1/2" dia. Hyde # 12-12 $ 19.
Hyde #12 Special Drums and Covers (all use same screws and Fastpin as Standard Drum & Cover, above)
7 1/2" Dual Tack Drum Only, w/ screws Hyde # 12-9-7D  (used w/ Standard Drum Cover) $ 649.
Large (9 1/2") Drum Only, w/ screws Hyde # 12-9-9 $ 699.
Large (9 1/2") Drum Cover Only, w/ screws Hyde # 12-8-9 $ 699.

Hyde #12 Rod Assembly Components
Top Deck Eye - (Specify Pin Diameter) Hyde # 12-28   (5/8" & 3/4" are Standard) .
Drive Lock Pin - (2 per end) Hyde # 12-27   (included w/ Rod Shortening Kit) .
Top Barrel Housing  Hyde # 12-26 .
Rod Compression Sleeve Hyde # 12-25   (included w/ Rod Shortening Kit) $ 79.
Dowel Pin - Single Groove Hyde # 12-24   (included w/ Rod Shortening Kit) .
Dowel Pin - Double Groove - (2 per end) Hyde # 12-24D   (included w/ Rod Shortening Kit) .
Hyde #12 Luff Rod - Single Groove x 63' Hyde # 12-23       Specify Length .
Hyde #12 Luff Rod - Double Groove x 64' Hyde # 12-23D    Specify Length .
Tapered End Hyde # 12-7 $ 299.
High-Torque Lock Nuts - 2 pc. pack. (1 per end) Hyde # 12-6P   (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) $ 39.
Barrel End Set Screw - 5 pc. pack. (2 per end) Hyde # 12-5   (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) $ 10.
Bearings - (2 per end) Hyde # 12-4   (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) .
Bottom Barrel Housing Hyde # 12-3 .
Oil Seal  Hyde # 12-2   (included w/ Bearing Replacement Kit) $ 49.
Bottom Deck Eye - (Specify Pin Diameter) Hyde # 12-1   (5/8" & 3/4" are Standard) .

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