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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
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Kenyon Spars SP2 Airfoil Spreader Section

Kenyon Spars SP2 Airfoil Spreader Section
Measurements: 1.88" x .75" (1 7/8" x 3/4")
Wall Thickness: .060"
Weight/ft.: .370 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = .150", Iyy = .020"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Stock Length: 12'
Common Boat usage: Etchells 22, all other usages have been superseded by SP2.2 Spreaders.
SP2 Spreader Section

SP2 Airfoil Spreader Section & Hardware
Kenyon SP2 Spreaders are normally used with a series of SS welded socket-type Spreader Bases. The stronger SP2.2 Spreaders will fit all SP2 Spreader Bases, and are recommended for replacement purposes. SP2 Spreader Bases are specific to individual Mast Sections, for them, See Kenyon Mast Sections.
SP2 Spreader Section: K-SP2CA-___:
SP2 Spreader Extrusion has been largely superseded by the SP2.2 Spreader Extrusion which has identical external measurements, is stronger, and is fully compatible with all SP2 Spreader Bases. See SP2.2 Airfoil Spreader Section. SP2 Spreader Extrusion is stocked in a clear anodized finish and is available in lengths up to 12'. To order: specify length. 


SP2 Spreader Assembly: K-SP2AS-___:
Standard SP2 Spreader Assemblies have been superseded by the Standard SP2.2 Spreader Assemblies which are stronger, and are fully compatible with all SP2 Spreader Bases. See SP2.2 Airfoil Spreader Section.


SP2 Tapered Spreader Assembly: K-SP2TA-___:
Tapered SP2 Spreader is clear anodized with a hook-type aluminum spreader tip, K-9409, which is passed around shroud and secured in spreader with SS screw and locknut. To order: specify maximum length and sweep back angle (if any). Painted finishes are available on special order, specify color.


SP2 Tapered Spreader Assembly - Etchells 22: K-SP2-E22P:
SP2 Tapered Spreader Assembly - Etchells 22: K-SP2-E22S:
Special Lightweight Tapered SP2 Spreader produced specifically for the Etchells class. Includes a hook-type aluminum spreader tip, K-9409, which is passed around shroud and secured in spreader with SS screw and locknut. Inboard end is cutout for Etchells pass-through spreader base tangs. Black anodized. Specify Port or Starboard.


SP2/SP2.2 Spreader Tip: K-10262:

Cast aluminum Spreader Tip for SP2 and SP2.2 Spreader Section features slot for up to 7/32" shroud. Shroud is secured with seizing wire through holes on either side of shroud seat. Spreader Tip measures 1 7/8" x 3/4", and extends shroud seat 3/8" beyond spreader tube. With Black Epoxy finish.


SP2/SP2.2 Spreader Tip - Raw: K-10262R:

Cast aluminum Spreader Tip as K-10262 (above), but with uncoated Aluminum finish for use in welded applications.


SP2 Tapered Spreader Tip: K-9409:

Stamped, anodized aluminum Spreader Tip for SP2 spreader tapered to 1" (or untapered SP1), is passed around shroud and secured in spreader with 3/16" (#10) SS screw and locknut. Will accommodate shrouds up to 3/16" diameter. Spreader tip measures 1 1/4" long x 1" wide x 1/8" thick, and extends 1/2" beyond spreader tube. As used on Etchells 22. 



SP2 Inboard Spreader End: K-19002:

Inboard Spreader End is used for masts with welded aluminum spreader bases on rigs with in-line spreaders. Aluminum spreader end is welded in a slot cut in SP2 Spreader. Tapered Aluminum plate is 3/8" thick x (maximum) 3" wide x 4" long, and features integral etch lines to line up with end of SP2.2 Spreader. Mounts to mast with (2) 3/8" holes on 1 5/8" centers, holes are 3/4" from end of plate. Plate has uncoated Aluminum finish. As used on some Cal 2-25's.


SP2.2 Spreader Socket Bushings (pair): K-9407P:

Plastic insert bushings for use with SP2 & SP2.2 Spreaders and K-1290 socket-type spreader base. Bushings cushion spreaders inside spreader base socket, and feature cutouts for use with pass-through shroud tangs.

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