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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
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Kenyon Spars SP2.2 Airfoil Spreader Section

Kenyon Spars SP2.2 Airfoil Spreader Section
Measurements: 1.88" x .75" (1 7/8" x 3/4")
Wall Thickness: .075"
Weight/ft.: .410 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = .20" Iyy = .03"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Stock Length: 20'
Common Boat usage: Boston Whaler Harpoon 6.2*;
Cal 2-25, J/24, Sonar, and hundreds of others.
SP2.2 Spreader Section

SP2.2 Airfoil Spreader Section & Hardware
Kenyon SP2.2 Spreader Section features a special Internal mounting channel designed to fit a 1 1/2" wide x 3/16" thick SS Plate. SP2.2 Spreaders normally fit on a series of Spreader Bases with this size plate welded to them, and over Stainless Steel Spreader Bars this size, as well as larger Aluminum Spreader Bars contoured to fit the larger ID of this Section. These arrangements produce a strong, serviceable attachment with a minimum of windage.
SP2.2 Spreader Section: K-SP2.2CA-____:
SP2.2 Spreader Extrusion is stocked in a clear anodized finish and is available in lengths up to 20'. To order: specify length.


SP2.2 Spreader Assembly w/ Plastic Tip: K-SP2.2AS-____:
Standard SP2.2 Spreader Assembly is clear anodized and includes black Plastic Spreader Tip, K-10777P. To order: specify maximum tube length, spreader base configuration, and sweep back angle (if any). Painted finishes are available on special order, specify color.


SP2.2 Spreader Ass'y w/ Cast Tip: K-SP2.2ASC-____:
SP2.2 Spreader Assembly is clear anodized and includes cast aluminum Spreader Tip, K-10262. To order: specify maximum tube length, spreader base configuration, and sweep back angle (if any). Painted finishes are available on special order, specify color.


SP2.2 Spreader Ass'y for Multiple Shrouds: K-SP2.2AM-___:
SP2.2 Spreader Assembly for Multiple Shrouds is clear anodized and includes riveted cast aluminum Spreader Tip, K-10262-2. To order: specify maximum tube length, sweep back angle (if any). Painted finishes are available on special order, specify color.


SP2.2 Spreader Tip: K-10262:
Cast aluminum Spreader Tip features slot for up to 7/32" shroud. Shroud is secured with seizing wire through holes on either side of shroud seat. Spreader tip measures 1 7/8" x 3/4", and extends shroud seat 3/8" beyond spreader tube. With Black Epoxy finish.


SP2.2 Spreader Tip - Raw: K-10262R:
Cast aluminum Spreader Tip as K-10262 (above), but with uncoated Aluminum finish for use in welded applications.


SP2.2 Urethane Spreader Tip: K-10777X:
Molded urethane Spreader Tip features slot for up to 3/16" shroud. Tip is spread to pass around shroud and secured in spreader with (2) SS screws. Spreader tip measures 1 7/8" x 3/4", and captivates shroud against the spreader tube. As used on J/24.  This item is no longer available, having been replaced by the K-10777P, below.


SP2.2 Nylon Spreader Tip: K-10777P:

Hard plastic molded Spreader Tip features slot for up to 1/4" shroud. Tip is passed around shroud and secured in spreader with (1) SS screw and locknut to captivate shroud against the spreader tube. Spreader tip measures 1 7/8" x 3/4", and extends 1/2" beyond spreader tube. As used on J/24, and others.


SP2.2 Multiple Shroud Spreader Tip: K-10262-2:

Cast aluminum Spreader Tip features 2 slots for use on multiple spreader rigs. Shrouds are secured with seizing wire through holes on either side of shroud seats. Forward slot will accommodate up to 7/32" wire, aft slot up to 5/32" wire. Spreader Tip measures 1 7/8" x 3/4", and extends shroud seat 3/8" beyond spreader tube. With Black Epoxy finish.


SP2.2 Multiple Shroud Spreader Tip - Raw: K-10262-2R:

Cast aluminum Spreader Tip as K-10262-2 (above), but with uncoated Aluminum finish for use in welded applications.



SP2.2 Discontinuous Spreader Tip w/ 5/16" Pin: K-10262D-5:

Assembly provides 5/16" horizontal pin for attachment of Discontinuous Shrouds. Anodized aluminum Tip features 15/16" (24mm) square hole, keeping rigging attachment points enclosed. Tip is 1 7/8" wide x 3/4" thick (47 x 20mm) and projects 1 3/8" (35mm) beyond Spreader tube. Includes 5/16" horizontal pin and cotter pin.


SP2.2 Inboard Spreader End: K-19002:

Inboard Spreader End is used for masts with welded aluminum spreader bases on rigs with in-line spreaders. Aluminum spreader end is welded in a slot cut in SP2.2 Spreader. Tapered Aluminum plate is 3/8" thick x (maximum) 3" wide x 4" long, and features integral etch lines to line up with end of SP2.2 Spreader. Mounts to mast with (2) 3/8" holes on 1 5/8" centers, holes are 3/4" from end of plate. Plate has uncoated Aluminum finish. As used on some Cal 2-25's, and others.


SP2.2 Spreader Bases
SP2.2 Spreaders are normally used with a variety of welded SS Spreader Bases which are formed to fit specific Mast Sections. Spreader Bases used with SP2.2 Spreaders are specific to individual Mast Sections and are listed under the Mast Sections that they attach to, See Kenyon Mast Sections.


SP2.2 Spreader Socket Bushings (pair): K-9407P:

Plastic insert bushings for use with SP2.2 Spreaders and K-1290 socket-type spreader base. Bushings cushion spreaders inside spreader base socket, and feature cutouts for use with pass-through shroud tangs.


SP2.2 Spreader Bars
SP2.2 Spreaders frequently use a thru-mast Spreader Bar, especially in High Performance applications. Spreader Bars are machined to snugly fit the interior of the Spreader, and require that the inboard end of the Spreader be cut or filed to approximate the curve of the mast section. Spreader Bar is installed through a slot in the mast, the Spreaders fit over the Bar and are pinned straight through the Bar, holding the Bar and Spreaders in place. Spreader Bars are available in a variety of standard sweep-back angles, other angles are available on a special order basis.
SP2.2 Spreader Bars are listed below, and under the Mast Sections they are commonly used with (Kenyon 3550, 3049, 3350, 2740 & 2333), and are also suitable for use with other similar-sized Mast Sections.
Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 0 degree aft: K-11777:

Anodized aluminum Spreader Bar is used with Kenyon SP2.2 Spreaders for rigs with in-line Spreaders. Bar is 3/8" thick x 1 1/4" wide and has 5-degree vertical lift, 0 degree aft.


Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 6° aft: K-11777-6:

As K-11777, but angled for spreaders swept 6 degrees aft. As used on 11 Meter, Hunter 22*.


Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 10° aft: K-11777-10:

As K-11777, but angled for spreaders swept 10 degrees aft. As used on S2 6.9, Sonar*.


Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 15° aft: K-11777-15:

As K-11777, but angled for spreaders swept 15 degrees aft. As used on early Sonar*, and SR Max.


Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 17.5° aft: K-11777-17:

As K-11777, but angled for spreaders swept 17.5 degrees aft. As used on J/24.


Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 20° aft: K-11777-20:

As K-11777, but angled for spreaders swept 20 degrees aft. As used on S2 6.7.


Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 25° aft: K-11777-25:
As K-11777, but angled for spreaders swept 25 degrees aft. As used on some Hunter 26.


SP2.2 Spreader Bar Reinforcing Plate Kit: K-11882K:

Formed SS Reinforcing Plates have rectangular slot to fit all standard SP2.2 Spreader Bars, K-11777 series, above. SS plates reinforce Mast and prevent wear and elongation of slot in mast where Spreader Bar passes through. Plates are slightly curved to fit a variety of Mast Sections and can be bent to fit any others. Plates are 3" long x 1 3/4" high with rectangular slot and fasten to mast with (4) 3/16" (#10) fasteners. Kit includes 2 plates (port & starboard), (8) 3/16" SS rivets, and installation instructions - Spreader Bar from K-11777 series, above, must be ordered separately.



SS Spreader Bar for SP2.2 Spreader - 0 degree aft: K-11778S:

Stainless Steel Spreader Bar is used with Kenyon SP2.2 Spreaders for rigs with in-line Spreaders. SS Bar is 3/16" thick x 1 1/2" wide x 8" long and has 5-degree vertical lift, 0 degree aft.

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